Who's Having a Birthday?
I know, I know, I know!!! I'm no good at keeping blogs up to date. So sorry. Since the end of April, though, not much has happened. We have been picking kiwifruit (not kiwis because the people call themselves kiwis and look at you funny when you say you're picking kiws and keeping a few in your van) and that has recently ended. I did it for a few more days than Shane because he scored a great electrical job. He met a man in a cafe who knew a guy who knew a guy...we're lucky the Big Guy was in control of that one! What a blessing that was! Now I can go shopping! Kidding, kind of. Tomorrow (the 21st) is my birthday so I WILL get SOMETHING.
Other than work, we hit Raglan on our days off again so Shane could surf Manu Bay some more. He's working on pumping? Carlo, Jordan, Jon, Aaron - does that mean anything to you? We also visited stinky sulphur-smelling Rotorua and saw cool mineral pools and springs. I'm sure SOMEone could get used to the smell, but not this someone. Egg salad to the nth degree! Yuck! Except for the air, though, it was a very clean city. Their government gardens are spectacular! You'll see pics in the next entry.
So, May is almost over, June we will be touring the south island, July is Fiji and home! Time flies when you're waiting for the rain to stop so you can pick kiwifruit. I'm not bitter. Tune in next time for some pictures and a much happier (and older) Tracey. Happy birthday to me...
Happy B-day !!!!! I hope you have a awesome day!!! Kiwi cake?? Are you sick of them yet?? hahaha. Is good to know that you guys are doing good. Take care and we want to see more pics!!
Love The Clarkes.
ps.Chanty & Tye's B-day is the 26th. they are going to be 6!! can you believe that?? krazzy!!
Hey Mrs. D., Sounds like your having a awesome time there. and man those pictures are unbelievable!! the site seeing there is soo rad! Happy Belated Birthday!!! Hope you had a good one, and got somthing good!! :P Well lots of us are missin you soo much back here. Not as much fun with out yeah. Guess what? I made it onto the Provincial Mountain Biking Team!! the season has been super good. and that means i get to go to Nationals in the summer. Its awesome race everyweekend, try and bike everyday. oh and then school. haha... I finally found the peice of paper that we wrote your address on, and now im gunna keep readin your blogs. theyre pretty tight!! Kiwi's are pretty popular over there haha..:S :P My dad was lookin at the picture of Shane eatin some Ripples, n he said becarful not to eat to many of those or youll look like the guy inbehind by the sign...lol...juuust plaayin!! Well hope to keep in touch with you!! Have a awesome time, n missin ye lots!
Peaace <3
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